Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Get Back! - When any solution involves backward time travel you then know the nature of a problem is about being "Right" not "True".

Asking for an impossible solution to a problem is often used by people without good will or intent to not solve a problem but rather promote drama.

It is not possible to go back into the past and change things but it is possible to contaminate the present with a lie that you can.

Being "Right" is a social construct based on a belief system alignment to select fabrications.

For example: the Earth was once thought to be the center of the universe.

As some observed different and published their findings they were ridiculed, ostracized or imprisoned.

Galileo discovered a more true version of the solar system and could prove it as true, as a result of trying to share the findings he was imprisoned as it was not "Right"

History is littered with examples such as this, many are going on now.

This is Human Nature.

Often one can survive and thrive much better being "Right" than "True".

I wish I had some understanding as to why right often provides a better life than true.