Saturday, February 27, 2016

MN/DO - Horizons

Title: MN/DO - Horizons

Authors Foreword: Set in the Midwest USA. It's the year 3016, the human industrial age passed away 900 years ago without a Singularity Event.  Planetary Human Population has rebounded to about 1/2 Billion from a low of 10,000 reached in the year 2320.

Growth once again sets up competition for resource control between two dominating cultures.  This time its different as the seemingly more submissive culture has been preparing to take over for 900 years and begins to execute its plan.

What is different about this you may ask?

The planning horizon.

This being the date 2/27/16 I the author Michael McGarrity (AKA MickGspot) begin assembling the story which unlike the story Roboticia Harmonium, I have a significant amount of time working on MN/DO.

Chapter I - Sintering on Lake of the Woods (Winter 3016).

"Beauty in the desert blooms a flower of Survival, shining petals of character in shades of excellence.
Oh to kiss the sun, to burn wither and fade."

(Excerpt from the Book of Michael on the beauty of impermanence)

2/27/16 - 1.5 hrs time on MN/DO - Horizons today.

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