Saturday, February 27, 2016

Roboticia Harmonieum

Roboticia Harmonieum

- Authors Foreword: Set in our current time in the Peoples Republic of China at a school for Robotic Warrior Design, a ground plan and technology for WW IV is in development.

Unexpected global social changes emerge through the process.

I'm starting this story on 02/27/16 and expect it may take a couple months to put together. It will be interesting as it always is for me to see the story take place. Other than the title and first two sentences in the Foreword, I have almost no idea how this will evolve but will simply start slapping down a bunch of material without worrying on the outcome.
Without a lot of hard work writing the last couple years, this story, whatever it ends up being would not be possible for me to write.

02/27/16  - Material Development

I. Mikes 11 Design Principles of Robotic Ground Warfare 

1. Cost and volume matter. Many inexpensive are better than a few expensive.

2. Use existing technology  as build components. Mashem Up! (Smart Phone, RC cars, Self Propelled Lawnmowers).

3. Network behavior via Rule Sets not Com Links. (Flock of Crows, not Lone Wolf traits desired).

4. Keep Operations Programs and Control Systems simple though Autonomous.

5. Keep time as a friend in you deployment/design remembering Mikes Energy Time Law.

6. They are a multi function delivery platform, nothing else.

7. Limit payloads to one type per platform per operation.

8. Self Destruct on payload deliver or tampering with delivery device.

9.Keep on ground 90% of time,  100% is best.

11. Target Infrastructure

10. Make them look ordinary and unattractive.

10.5 Sequence does not matter in all schemes.

II. Mikes Energy Time Law of Robotic Warfare.

Overview: Low energy robots (Sun models)  may travel up to two miles per day on a fully charged battery pack.

  • In sunny conditions a full recharge will take 2 days.
  • Bottom line travel rate is .7 miles per day under normal conditions. Here is where travel time meets deployment planning time horizions.
  • Prepositioning is the name of the game.
  • A sun robot can remain in a dream state waiting in one spot for up to 28 years.
  • A dream state is where most control systems are in sleep mode, The clock is run as well as a small program to periodically activate light sensors and threat detection routines. 
  • While dreaming, Payload and self destruct is armed to trigger with Mercury inertia          switch state changes from closed to open.
  • The time law blends these elements  thematically in a mathematical formula which serves as a foundation for Human vs. Robot  Warrior Cost Benefit Analysis and Comparisons.

A. Robot Warrior (Sun Model) - Design Principle 11  - Target Infrastructure

Any piece of infrastructure costing more than the Warrior Robot is a good target. A Robot Warrior can destroy Infrastructure over 100,000 times the value of the Robot . This principle relates to the Smart design principle #1. "Many inexpensive being better than a few very expensive."

To illustrate this point in a scenario lets use Robot Warriors to take out a fleet of parked vehicles.

Parked Vehicle Scenario

Robot Warriors Deployed/Cost: 10 Sun Model B electric mini Cars, Android Phone Control/Sensors carrying a 6 pack of  time selective/RC detonated shaped mini-charges. The cost for each unit is $2000. Cost per collection is $20,000.

Targeted Infrastructure Cost: 60 vehicles at $40,000 per vehicle or $2.4 million dollars. 

(DFE) Destruction Factor Estimate: Infrastructure 120 times the value of the Robots was destroyed in this Scenario. $2.4 Million for $20 Thousand.

02/27/16  - Material Development Summary - The above writing albeit sloppy and disjointed took
about 4 hours of concentrated effort.

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